Increasing Competition In Every Field

As we all know that in today's life how much competition has been increased it is making difficult for every individual to compete against everyone because everyone is now have a certain knowledge about their field and also they want to make their effort count and everyone started having practicing their skills and knowledge to get selected in their field it has made the level of selection difficult as the number of people applying are very high is comparison to number of people selecting this is because of over population and small number of industries and firms to give opportunities to compete and making a large recruitment as if the number of vacancies is more their is more chance to get selected

The Usefulness Of Competition

Competition may be a disadvantage for those who are applying for vacancies but it is beneficial for the firm of government to get highly skilled people for the required field but a highly skilled worker is useful for the development of nation because it will be beneficial for the firm to generate more profit and it will help is contributing to nation it has been rising more in technology as compared to other fields but is present in every field and the more level of competition the more high the allowances will.

Competition not only for vacancy appliers but also for the the firm for example- if a firm is manufacturing a unit of cars there are many firms a who are also making same product at better quality, cost etc. So, the first step is to make your own level in production and technological factors to eliminate competition such as google at a time when google was started it has competitors like yahoo etc but their search time is very irritative for the users google then made a type of search engine in which the results come instantly that played a huge role in ending the competition.

Measures to manage competition

A competition is beneficial for the firm because it helps in new developments new ideas new policies new concepts and many more a firm can maintain its profits by providing best suitable for the consumers if the firm is fulfilling all the required needs of the consumers then  it will make a trust for consumer to buy from a particular brands for example - apple, microsoft, google, tesla etc


In my opinion, a competition is present in almost every field but it is essential also for the best outcomes by a firm this will help is best results new innovation will take place and the consumers will also have the chance to get best of the best competition also helps in motivating the people to learn and work like others and make their contribution to the nation development and growth.